Automation Workflows

Write with voice notes and smart labels.

Effortlessly elaborate your idea in seconds.


How it works?

The automation will run with 2 mandatory conditions/triggers:

  1. Smart Labels: Set up a smart label on the settings page and tag it to a document.
  2. Voice Notes: It will run when you, or a member of your team, add a voice note to a document.

This feature is perfect for everyone, whether you're a busy individual looking for a time-saving solution or a small team wanting to streamline your meeting processes.

Note: The workflow runs sequentially, meaning that the automation will run in the order of the smart labels added to the document.

Imagine the possibilities.

Automate daily scrum meetings by generating them instantly when a team member adds a voice note.


Note-taking is too 2010-ish. Try voice-taking!

No credit card required.